Manufacturing Chemical
Manufacturing is a principal economic driver of the US and global economy, not only for domestic production and consumption, but as a basis for international trade and investment. Today manufacturers face unique challenges including intense price competition, and rising labor, raw materials, and energy costs. This competitive environment has forced manufacturers to seek out alternative methods of production, such as automating and outsourcing. At the same time, federal, state, and international governments continue to impose strict and costly regulatory measures on manufacturers. It is essential that manufacturers engage with government officials to demand that principles of sound science and a thorough cost/benefit analysis underlie any new regulatory requirements. From labor and employment concerns, to environmental, health, safety, and global trade issues, we are able to provide skilled and effective advocacy at all levels of government.
Within the manufacturing sector, the chemical industry faces additional regulatory burdens resulting from the government’s response to the rise in global terrorism. In an effort to improve public safety and security, governments are enacting new regulatory regimes that impact the storage, use, blending, and transport of common chemicals. Chemical site security legislation that imposes the use of “inherently safer technology” standards to force the use of substitute chemicals, is currently being considered in the US Congress and several state legislatures. Additionally, since 2007, the European REACH regulations designed to identify the hazards and risks of chemicals, requires both manufacturers and importers to register all substances contained in their products. Users of chemicals, including downstream blenders, must now certify that all chemicals in their products conform with the more stringent EU standards of permissible use, or face significant fines and penalties for violations.
The Potomac Alliance professionals have extensive experience representing companies in the manufacturing and chemical industry sectors before federal, state, and international governmental bodies. We can provide the following assistance:
- Developing and executing comprehensive government affairs strategies to advance or defend your manufacturing and chemical industry interests
- Monitoring, tracking, and analyzing legislation or regulations proposed by federal, state or international governmental bodies
- Initiating direct advocacy with legislators, executive branch officials, and regulatory authorities in support of your business goals and objectives
- Advising clients on regulatory compliance matters and the filing of petitions or comments on pending regulations with the appropriate regulatory authorities
- Supporting clients in their participation with allied industry trade associations and coalitions