Global Trade Support
Businesses with overseas manufacturing interests, investments, and import-export operations cannot succeed without a clear understanding of how other countries regulate manufacturing, investment, and cross-border commerce. To thrive in a global economy, companies must take full account of the political, economic, and regulatory risks in the countries in which they manufacture, invest, and sell.
The Potomac Alliance, through its on-the-ground network of professionals, offers technical expertise in two key regions: Brussels/Geneva (EU) and Beijing (China/ASEAN). Our professionals can provide you with customized and value-added service in the following areas:
- Facilitate trade (inbound/outbound), ensure regulatory compliance, and support cross-border investment
- Review specific market access requirements and potential trade barriers
- Coordinate with relevant government officials and regional/local business organizations
- Conduct due diligence reviews of potential joint-venture partners
- Provide trade remedy assistance on tariff and anti-dumping/countervailing duty-related matters
- Guide foreign corporations looking to invest in the United States through M&A activities
- Liaison and trip advance support for senior executives traveling to Europe and Asia
- Implement strategic and crisis communication plans in overseas markets
* Our professionals are proficient in Mandarin Chinese and French, and maintain conversational ability in Russian and German.
** In addition to our own professionals, The Potomac Alliance has trusted relationships with trade lawyers based in China and the ASEAN region.