The significant shift in government policy toward sustainability, renewable energy, and clean mobility has substantially altered the business environment for companies that produce or consume energy, use chemicals, manufacture products, or depend upon the various transportation modes (i.e., planes, trains, automobiles, trucks, and shipping) to reach their customers and markets. The effort to regulate greenhouse gas emissions at the federal, state, and international levels will have profound effects on the domestic and global economy. Both through Executive Branch regulatory actions and legislative activity on Capitol Hill, the federal government will largely determine the costs and benefits of utilizing sustainable forms of energy.  Backed by favorable government grants and loans, new clean technology industries are developing new products and services to provide power for future transportation and manufacturing needs.  Active and ongoing engagement with public policy makers is essential to protecting and promoting your energy-related business interests.

The Potomac Alliance professionals are well versed in representing clients before government authorities and public policy makers at the federal, state, and international level.  Based upon our experience, we can identify threats and opportunities presented by government involvement in setting standards, pricing mechanisms, and technology applications.  In the field of renewable energy, governmental bodies will act as “market makers or market breakers.”  The Potomac Alliance can assist you in navigating the government’s intervention in the following industry sectors: wind energy, solar power, geothermal heat, electric and hybrid vehicles, and natural gas for transportation purposes. Our professionals provide clients with the following services:

  • Developing and executing comprehensive government affairs strategies to advance or defend client energy sector interests
  • Monitoring, tracking, and analyzing energy legislation (including appropriations and federal agency budgets) and regulations proposed by DOE, EPA, and DOT, as well as by state or international governmental bodies that impact your energy interests
  • Identifying government grants, loans, joint R&D programs, and tax credit opportunities applicable to your products or services
  • Working with your business development staff to craft capture strategies to secure government support for your energy-related products and services
  • Building coalitions of allied interests to support your legislative or regulatory objectives
  • Providing competitive intelligence concerning the energy-related government affairs activities of your industry competitors